I would love some advice on this topic. My youngest child was just designated gifted (99th percentile)in the standard grade 3 testing. My oldest son who was in grade 5 this past year didn't test as gifted when he was in grade 3. I knew nothing about giftedness until recently. Now that I've read two parenting books and countless articles and forum posts about the characteristics of giftedness I am wondering if the first test missed my oldest. I'm considering having him retested.

He is intense, emotional, has had anxiety, is a perfectionist, hates school (has since grade 1), is extremely verbal (spoke early and has a really good vocabulary) and is quite a dominant older brother. I'm wondering if he's a visual spatial learner. He doesn't like to show his work when he does math, he can't seem to memorize his times tables, his spelling isn't very good and his teachers have commented that he is performing below his potential. All that said I'm not sure. His previous score was just above average. The test has changed (we're in Canada so it has gone from a CAT 4 to a new CHC testing). I'm not sure if that's relevant but it might be.

A few articles I've read have suggested that if one is it is quite likely that the other(s) are too. Add to that the sibling rivalry that arises from one gifted sibling. I have to be honest and say that life would be easier if they were both designated and we could operate from that point. Also, as I mentioned he is miserable at school and I would love to get to the bottom of why. He might be 2E which would mean we could figure out how to help him.

Thoughts/comments very welcome.

Another potential issue - what if the school test doesn't catch it? Do we get more extensive testing or drop it? How will this affect his self esteem (being tested and not being designated)? I know that will depend on how we deal with it. As I've said above life would be easier if they both were (in terms of rivalry) but of course it doesn't matter either way. Seems like life is easier if you aren't. Though again, he has many of the markers. Okay I'll stop rambling.