I would have the other child tested (by a private psych) simply because he seems to have signs of being potentially 2e, and I'd want to understand his learning style and challenges in order to help him maximize his potential.

We have different levels of giftedness among our kids and they go to three different schools - it's really not such a huge issue re schooling, we simply explain that each child is going to the school that best fits their unique person smile We also celebrate all of their unique personalities, not just the intellectual gifts. And we see all of them as being smart and capable children and are sure that they each have that reassurance that we see them that way. In our case, there is an extreme difference in the abilities across all three as our oldest is EG, youngest is HG, middle is MG or perhaps no G at all (testing is variable). Whether or not they were in the same school program, they all clearly are very aware that oldest dd is out-of-the-ballpark smart relative to the others, and that HG dd is an uber-driven-high-achieving bright child. So there are times when issues due to that arise, but no more so than the usual sibling rivalry etc.

Best wishes,
