When he was first learning, he thought it was gross, but I told him to use LOTS of paper so his hand didn't touch his butt at all. I told him to flush after every wipe or to put the paper in the trash can so he wouldn't clog the toilet. Sometimes he would go through half a roll of paper, but he did it on his own. Also at first I would stand in the room with him while he did it and then I would come in and "check." He eventually did it completely on his own. We went through LOTS of paper at that time. The good news is that he is now a fanatic about getting every spot ha ha!

Since your son thinks it is gross, I'm hoping that giving him permission to use a huge amount of paper will help. (I mean, I still do that if I have to pick up a bug...I will grab like 10 paper towels for a 1/2" bug.)
