Hey all!! Hope your summers are going well. I figure I will throw this question (problem!!) out there hoping someone may have had it and fixed it!!
My almost 7 year old DYS ... Here it comes.... Refuses to wipe his own tush after going number 2. So sorry if this offends....... I'm desperate! He's going to be starting 2 nd grade with 8 year olds... Here's how it goes down....
DS (from a bathroom) " I'm done!!"
Me "what am a supposed to do?"
DS "wipe me"

Ok I know... I've left him there without books or magazines or brochures or maps....... He can sit there for hours ... He thinks it's "gross". I've told him I think it's gross too!!!

He does have some upper body coordination problems which is why he has gotten away with it for so long.... But "I'M DONE!!!!!"!!!!!!