here was a brand of these that we used with DD when she was your DS' age... gosh, I wish I could remember the brand. It was quite distinctive-- they were about 6" square and came a great variety. Baku? Boku? Something like that. T

Man, these sound good! Not getting any hits on Amazon for Baku or Boku mazes, though. We do have Mad Libs and DD will surely draw and read plenty. Ds is the one who's likely to be a problem, really--the issue is going to be keeping him from annoying the $%&$&@! out of DD, who'd probably be content to mostly zone out in a book. I'm racking my brains trying to come out with an audiobook they can both enjoy that isn't scary (DS hates scary) or sad (DD hates sad) and that she hasn't already read (she's fairly resistant to rereading)and that he's got the attention span for (he's not ready for high-level stuff yet and has little to no school experience, which does rule a lot of stuff out, I find. Thinking there might be a Dahl she missed...hoping...maybe Mrs. Piggle Wiggle??)

Last edited by ultramarina; 07/17/12 07:02 PM.