Oh-- here's another set of games to play in the car. It's a guessing game like on the old TV game show 64K pyramid, or alternatively, a version of 20 questions. You can use pictionary cards for this one, too, if you need help with ideas.

The child thinks of a 'thing' (could be idea, popular phrase, action, really pretty much anything) and THEN gets to describe it (without using the word) for three minutes in order to get you to say the exact phrase/word.

The 20 questions version, of course, is easier for younger kids since YOU do most of the talking, and they give yes/no answers to your questions.

My DD's favorite car games, those two. smile We tire long before she does.

Sing-along music:

Weird Al

Tom Lehrer

(the aforementioned) They Might be Giants

(some) Monty Python soundtracks

Any wacky 50's music.

We also make up our own lyrics to popular tunes. This is a family specialty, however, and may not be for everyone. In fact, some of these songs are probably not suitable for anyone. But they make a road trip in the middle of nowhere (no-- really nowhere... no cell service, no radio reception, no nuthin) go faster and we wind up in a pretty good mood too, since we're laughing. smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.