We have a long (9 hours+) car trip coming up. Any great ideas for DD8 and DS4? They love their Auto Bingo cards (http://www.amazon.com/Travel-Roadtr...id=1342548045&sr=8-3&keywords=auto+bingo) and of course we'll bring books, but what else? Please Lord, nothing with little pieces that will fall on the floor of the car.

DS can read--about late 2nd/early 3rd grade level. His fine motor skills are early K level--he can write, but not very well, and he'd rather not do much of it. He can definitely circle and x out. He loves dry-erase things, but we aren't finding much that's on his level these days.

They are freakishly good at Where's Waldo books, so those are no good (they're done in about 15 minutes). I Spy is better, but we've done most of the ones at the library.