It is a money issue, alas. She doesn't "need" to ever do another IQ test because she has her "golden ticket," as it were, from her RIAS scores, which were high enough for admission to all our district's GT programs but really rather unilluminating--just a couple of uninspired paragraphs and the note that DD "gave up easily when she did not immediately get the answer." Any further testing would be for our further understanding and curiosity's sake.

FWIW, I just gave her the digit span test from here:, which is not exactly totally scientific, I realize. She consistently recalls 9 digits; she smokes me (can't get mine above 7, or dead average for an adult). She seemed like she was verrrry close to getting 10 digits; she might have if she hadn't had a little brother next to her talking to her and music playing distantly (!) I wasn't sure how that rated for an 8yo child, but if it's comparable to the WISC task ( complex can it really be?), that's definitely 99th%+ for a 8yo, or at least, so it appears: I'm not surprised at all. She's been, well, prodigious with this sort of thing since toddlerhood. Her brother is very similar.