One thing to also keep in mind is that hard work also plays a role in determining who will become a prodigy. What differentiates the talented from the great? Malcolm Gladwell's books would argue that alot of it is how much you practice and hard work; how many hours you put into something.
Remember that in the original Terman high IQ studies from roughly 1910 or so-1960's, none of his "Termites" or high IQ children went on to win a Nobel. As a group, they did well, but there were some who did not do well. In fact, some of the biggest predictors of which of the high IQ children went on to good jobs/careers was the income level of the family and the mom's educational background (it was alot more unusual back then to have highly educated women).
There is clearly alot more to success or being a prodigy than just your IQ score.