Thanks for the encouragement on the daycare situation ColinsMum. My son is pretty happy with his current daycare but he does hang around the adults most of the time and they have told me they are trying to get him to socialize with his peers more. He has no interest in other 2 year olds but thankfully its ages 2-5 all in one room so he'll play with some of the 4 and 5 year olds.

Sweetpeas, I am feeling very socially isolated with my son now also. I use to be part of mom groups and we would all meet up with our children and play. Ever since moms have seen that my son is counting, spelling and doing sign language, many of them are acting funny.
I haven't been to any get togethers in a long time because I feel like I can't talk openly about my son. They talk about their children and I feel really out of the loop. It is very lonely.

I am actually going to a little get together with some moms in the first time in months tomorrow and I get the feeling many of them don't want me coming and bringing my gifted child because it makes them feel inadequate about theirs. I try and compliment their children as much as possible but I don't know if it's really helping. It is so frusterating.

I do let my son get his number and letter fix on the computer. He'll sit and type for hours on MS Word or watch educational videos that he likes with lots of numbers and letters.

It is so nice to know that moms here understand. Thanks for the warm welcomes

Last edited by Isaiah09; 07/02/12 11:45 PM.