Originally Posted by Isaiah09
I think the whole marketing thing on this baby/toddler genius has got so out of control that when truly gifted kids come along people just think its parents trying to make their kids gifted.
Oh yeah! That's why I find the idea of 'levels of gifted' so appealing. The shape of the bell curve predicts that their will be an army of parents in the 120-127 range who are consumers of the 'make your baby smarter' stuff compared to the much much smaller numbers on the other side of any cut off you pick.

I think the pediatrician can be a great idea - but some are dismal.

To me, if your friends are looking at you with those strange expressions than you know all you need to know - you kids is unusual enough that schools where your friend's kids are recognized as 'bright' will be 'not a good fit' for your child. How your child handles being in that situation depends a lot on your ability to 'super-parent' and your child's personality.

Seek out local gifted social outlets and see if the parents there get your jokes.

It is possible to win, but the deck isn't stacked in your favor. I'm hoping this Discussion Forum can take the place, to a certain degree, of the 'local parent network' that just isn't that useful when you are raising an outlier.

I'm not saying that you kid is the smartest baby that ever lived, just that 'around where you hang out' he's beyond the comfort zone. We see this.


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