I'll add that my dd13 is very, very talented in writing and, in encouraging her interest in marine biology, we haven't excluded others. While she took two science classes in 9th grade and did two college summer science camps in June (this month) right after school got out, she also participated in honor choir and musical theatre in middle school. She's participated in, and won, regional writing contests and took (and is taking next year) pre-AP English courses. We encouraged her to just take one science class next year so she has time to do Mock Trial or some other extracurriculars.

Point being, honoring or encouraging extreme interests doesn't have to mean excluding all other aspects of life. They can be intertwined as well. Dd met with a scientist for a career day who wrote the intro to a textbook she had read on Florida manatee biology and anatomy who was, ironically, living in Colorado at the time. One of the things they discussed was the value of strong writing skills for scientists.