That's a great perspective...and the possibility of her feeling like she is 'locked' into medicine just because that's what everyone has known she wanted to do forever is my number one reservation. In fact I worry about her feeling that I'm supportive 'enough' because I'm constantly ending my sentences regarding her future with "if that's what you end up deciding to do!!'".

Your perspective to the idea of multiplepotentiality will keep me watching to make sure we have balance in other areas as we progress with this...I feel like we're at a crossroads with her education since beginning the testing process in February. Before that, I'd never heard of DYS or the terms 'highly' or 'profoundly' gifted. I'm hoping (fingers crossed that our DYS acceptance letter will come this month- test scores are well within range) that questions like these are something a consultant can help us with! My biggest fallback thought when I get going around in circles is that nothing is permanent at this point! We can take her out just as quickly as we out her in if it seems to be too...anything.

Super appreciative of your thoughts and shared experience!! Keep them coming! smile