Originally Posted by Iucounu
What's to lose? You could fall back to a subject acceleration in math.

The way our system is set up, if she tested for the skip, we'd be stuck with it. There's no provision for, "she passed the test but isn't going to take a skip." And we have no parent support (honestly, not from either of us) for a 4th-to-6th skip.

Originally Posted by Iucounu
I bet this might make her really come alive, as long as you've prepared her well enough.

That's the only reason I'd push for it. I looked at the AOPS pre-algebra placement test, and I think she'll be able to pass it by the end of the summer - not that AOPS would be an appropriate math option for her. (I'd do that as a hole-filler once she covered the concepts elsewhere, if I were AOPS-inclined.)

Originally Posted by Iucounu
I usually worry about increasing awkwardness with the social group

She is already super-awkward. She's the kid who can't do sleepovers because she gets too lonely and scared to sleep at someone else's house. She's the kid who talks like an old-fashioned book, and is doing schoolwork over the summer for fun. She does sports, but not the sports anyone else cares about. She's extremely anti-religion in a part of the country where pretty much everyone is evangelical. And her reaction to feeling othered is to emphasize, rather than downplay, the stuff that's different. (Including things like calling people names in Chinese.)

Originally Posted by Iucounu
What I might do is get several irons in the fire

That's kind of what we're up to - homeschooling is my last-resort backup (based on how our summerschooling is going). But we're getting to the point that we need to decide on acceleration, because it affects what we'd cover in summerschooling. (The last date for signing up for the test is 3 or 4 days before the test date, which is the first week in August.)
