DS6 is/was pretty controlling in terms of play - some of it is being an only though - he says do this DH will often just do it - I am less agreeable and then he tries repeating himself, manipulating me, or changing the options. It is something he struggles with because he has usually worked out in his head how he wants something to go - so more on the lines of him being the author of what is being done so that it works out a certain way. However, this was more of an issue in pre-k than now at the end of K because he is finally with more appropriate peers - not exactly - but much closer. He used to say that what the other kids wanted to do was boring or not a good as his ideas - and to some degree I think it was true, they were less knowledgeable or less sophisticated - and it was difficult for him to play what he considered slower less interesting play. However, you can't make that argument with adults - so some of it is finding appropriate playmates and some of it is about how to play. Both of which we work on! I am constantly telling him - but i don't want to do that, I want to do this. And bringing it to his attention - when you played Star Wars, did you all share ideas, what was friend's idea. oh that was a good one, etc.
