Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
...it's definitely not like a bullet train on the same tracks as the freight locomotives...

So in short, my definition of what it is to be 'gifted' is partly about pacing (sort of) but also about a fundamentally different way in which the hardware works.

It's about having a more efficient processor, basically. Other bits of hardware may get in the way (2e) of demonstrating that processor speed, and there's no way to observe the difference whe TYPICAL tasks are presented without being open-ended enough to allow for divergent methods to be obvious.

Yes and yes! It is hard to measure, but easy to recognize and I happen to know a lot of kids who score quite highly on achievement tests and some on group ability tests who really don't fit this definition. I don't know as many who've taken IQ tests, but of those I do I've seen more false negatives than false positives although the false negatives tend to have some major scatter that makes it evident that there may be something else going on.

I guess that's why I tend to fall back to my default of requiring high IQ b/c, while the IQ test itself may not be exactly measuring the difference, it seems to correlate well enough with whatever it is that makes gifted individuals different.

On a different topic, I hadn't seen LaTexican's post and liked the EB White quote:
Genius is more often found in a cracked pot than in a whole one.
- E. B. White, 1899 - 1985
So, I read it to dds and dd11 gets into a discussion of "crack" and "pot" and drug analogies e.g. Lewis Carroll. Lord, I have to worry about this girl!