For me I think it's the speed and/or depth of learning. So the iq is then the indicator of being able to do it, not whether you do it, but whether you could. So for me the 2e isn't a factor because it's whether you could with an accommodation. The accommodation assists you do the work you are able to do - so a HG kid with accommodations would do more than a kid who also needs the accommodation but is not HG. So I don't have a problem with number cut offs of iq but then I also think that achievement tests are worthy symbols of giftedness in that I don't think it matters if you could get a perfect score on an achievement test by hard work or less hard work buttressed by inate understanding. Where I do disagree is with exposure - while I don't doubt that exposure matters I think it works in concert with ability. We never spoke baby talk to our DS and didn't really dumb down our vocabulary at 3 he was asking what the words he didn't know meant whereas ND kids we met did not do that. So DS was exposed but it was his inante interest, drive, hunger for knowledge that had him run with it. So I think exposure would yield more gifted but not because they are making more gifted through exposure but because exsposure feeds the inate ability.
