Hi polarbear,

1) great question about IEP vs 504. He had a 504 last year but part of the issue is the school insists that he has to ask every time he needs extra time on an assignment. This is unmanageable for him. They won't give him automatic extended time. Another district I called said they wouldn't require that of him. He needs to take some tests and do some writing assignments verbally. The school said he'd have to do everything the "regular" way first, then challenge for oral and have to do them over! Again, too much burden for what he's dealing with. He needs reduced volume in Language Arts and in other classes with writing assignments... school said it's very discouraged and totally at teachers discretion. School said they probably couldn't meet his needs. He attends a public STEM college prep school that I think doesn't want to deal with it. I've met with the counselor many times, the spec ed coordinator, vice-principal and principal. I'm looking for a new school because I think even if I force the issue, it won't be a supportive environment. My kid is OK with it. He's been socially isolated and treated very badly by peers.

2) love these ideas, great, thank you!

3) yes, good plan, started my list of questions.

4) yes, fine motor is the issue, will do more research

Verbal - 128 / 97% - is this VIQ?
Similarities - 15 / 95%
Vocab - 14 / 91%
Comprehension - 15 / 95%

PRI - composite 106 / 66%
Block - 10 / 50%
Picture - 8 / 25%
Matrix - 15 / 95%

6) yes, report mentions that the disparity between high and low scores cause kid stress/anxiety. I think he is processing the situation but do see some relief from knowing that he is not just lazy and cant really get through this by just trying harder, so it is helpful for him and me to know what we are dealing with.

7) diagnosis - ADHD innatentive, cognitive disorder NOS - slowed info processing and marginal graphomotor skills

8) doesn't qualify for special services cuz they use only 5 scores from Woodcock which don't reveal the severity of issues:
Basic reading - 99
Reading comprehension - 118
math calculation - 96
Math reasoning - 111
Written expression - 95
They don't look at academic fluency, even though he's in the 14% or other test scores. They said to address with 504 which is poorly administered there.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply - your info is very helpful and I appreciate it very much!

Last edited by WinonaTac; 06/21/12 09:30 PM.