Thank you all for your comments/input! Yes, we've had her vision checked, but not with a developmental opthamologist. However, I've asked if she gets headaches, or feels like the letters move, etc, and she denies all of that.

I just found this tidbit from the state website: "When determining whether your child has a specific learning disability, the [IEP] group...Is not required to take into consideration whether there is a severe difference between your child’s intelligence and achievement in speaking thoughts, writing thoughts, reading, understanding what is heard and read and solving mathematical problems."

That doesn’t seem good...

The WrightsLaw website was very interesting - glad to know there are some resources out there! This feels a bit overwhelming.

We had some more specific reading tests done, which I think I posted before:
Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test-3: 61st percentile
Rapid Digit Naming - 63rd percentile
Rapid Letter Naming - 75th percentile
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test Word ID - 59th percentile
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test Word Attack 74th percentile

Gray Oral Reading Test - Fluency 63rd percentile
Rate 75th percentile
Accuracy 63rd percentile
Wide Range Achievement Test-3 Spelling - 42nd percentile

Gray Oral Reading Test Comprehension 98th percentile
Diagnostic Achievement Battery-2 Story Comprehension - 95th percentile
Expressive Vocab 93rd percentile
Detroit Tests of Learning Oral Directions 99th percentile
Diagnostic Achievement Battery 2 Math Calculation 95th percentile

Interestingly, DH has always been an incredibly slow and labored reader, has some of the characteristics on the dyslexia checklist.

I am just curious if I will be swimming upstream when I talk to the school psychologist. Is she going to see these scores as a potential problem? I guess I'll find out on Friday.....

Thank you!