our dd had a 60 point spread with some of her testing. ceiling on some subtests and well below 100 on others.
You likely wont qualify for an IEP with achievment in the average range.
we had some scores at 80 so that qualified for some things. but mostly we went with a 504 and heavy accomidations with goals to encourage eventual compensation.
Check into Barton. its a OG program that you can do at home. if you pass the phonemic awareness testing yourself, that is. dyslexia and auditory processing problems tend to run in families.

its tedious for both the student and the teacher, but it works and it will help develop letter-sound sense and more fluent reading. for us it even helped with spelling some. she did not even know how to divide words into separate sounds or put words into syllables. we didnt know these deficits until we did the barton.

also check into stealth dyslexia as described by the Eides. that was a spot on description of us.

ot may help with writing mechanics. but you may not qualify with the school. if you can afford it or insurance covers it, it might be more efficient to do out of school. also Scottish rites hospitals have programs for dyslexia if you have one near you.