Originally Posted by Prissy
I will say that it's been a struggle to get her to use the accomodations and tools - she doesn't really think she needs to use them. Getting her to acknowledge that they do actually help is a struggle because she is still in the top 5-10% of her class on paper.
That's exactly where we are with our dd. Even with those things that seem to make a difference for her, she refuses to use them much of the time (except chewing gum during tests b/c she likes gum) b/c she doesn't think that she's either gifted or LD and doesn't think she needs to. Like Prissy's dd, mine is a very good student, just not performing consistently or to her potential.

One other thing I recall, in re to both me and Prissy mentioning a combo of ADD and dyslexia, I don't know if both are issues for your dd or just our kids, but I have read that something like 80% of kids with ADD have some comorbidity with another LD.