DS is 5th grade. Had WISC iv (and others such as woodcock johnson) done as part of three year IEP assessment (he qualifies for speech and probably for other things if we pushed.). Tester did not give an overall score as the scores were all over the place. He scored 14something (not quite 145) but I asked if he ceilinged out and had she used extended norms. She did some more work and says that yes, on one subtest (is that the word?) he did and it has increased his his score in verbal comp to 146.

Soo, how would I go about making up a portfolio? He hasn't been accelerated and tends to 'hide his light under a bushel'. He isn't doing anything that seems amazing. What would I include? He has passions but is allergic to work. He does like to read though, a lot. Seems like it will be harder to impress someone at his age.

He also scored high on the raven in 2nd grade, do I include things like that??

Clueless in San Diego.

Last edited by Bee; 06/03/12 06:35 PM.