Originally Posted by mom of 1
The issue is that in many school systems, "many or most of the kids who need remediation" ARE under-served minorities...But, you said in this comment that the unequal achievement is because the remedial students aren't as smart. I take offense to that conclusion.

I'm sorry that you're reading racism into my comments, but it's in your eyes and not my intent. In that case, I was speaking specifically about the kids at the school in Virginia, and I made that clear.

Originally Posted by g2mom
some issues that i think have been overlooked.
1) TJ's enrollment with new criteria is more Asian, more Male and less white and less female. the black, hispanic and poverty enrollment DID NOT Change.

If g2mom is correct, the remedial students are most likely male and/or Asian. YOU are assuming that the students in those remedial classes at TJ are black and Latino or poor, not me. I originally said that I had no idea about the composition of those classes. I simply said that because our schools force everyone to move in lockstep, it's reasonable to assume that many or most of the 30% of kids at TJ who need remediation aren't as smart as many of the kids who don't.

Calling me a racist because I also made a general statement that some people aren't as smart as others is just looking for a reason to get wound up. Given the overall IQ distribution, most people would not be called "smart," regardless of race, ethnicity, or SES.