For those who tested OOP, what was the reason? DH and are on the fence, with the answer changing daily, do we test? Our DS7 is bright, articulate, has a great sense of humor ( once you get past the fart jokes, he wants to be parody writer), understands sarcasism and very speedy at comprehension, esp. Math. He came home two weeks ago and told me he knows how to square a number, and after testing it, he does. His friend told him about it, but neither one knew what it looked like, they just knew how to do it. Boys!

His memory is beyond our comprehension, he can not only tell you what states border what states, but what colors they are coded on his puzzle, by letter and by capital. We pull him out for parties, lol, only. I know there are others who can do so much more.

We have never pushed him into anything, he has done everything on his own. He's our third and we are just so very tired. He just showed up one day and said "pick a state.". He was reading well before K, he asked me just after his 5th birthday, what's a habitat, 'cause we need to give Lucky the Lion money so he can get a new one and pointed at thesign. I came home and told DH, we have a reader. We are anything but complete idiots, he was reading store signs much earlier, we just assumed he had memorized them.

So to the point,our district does not test for and has no g&t (they are writing the policy as we speak). The only researched, district-wide test they use is MAP, but I was told not to hang my hat on that test. It is the only one administered, so now I don't know where to hang my hat. So do I test privately? I would like to know if he is an exceptional learner or actually gifted, however, the district will not do anything with the results because not all children will be tested using the same test. Catch 22.

I have been fighting the district and the revolving door of administrators for almost 5 years, started with now DD13, who was placed in 2 year accelerated math (this is the only thing they do in middle school). My first and only success.

So would you test? And for what reasons? What will I be able to do with the test scores? I mean other than bang my head against the wall at Central Office or sheepishly back away from the fight, depending on the results. To appease my curiosity seems rather selfish.

BTW, Spring MAP for 1st Grade
Reading 211
Math 229

