I don't know why, but I have tried to post replies and they aren't showing up for some reason.... I live in Broward County, FL (south florida).....

My son loves math & I'm wondering if that is why he did so well on that part of the test...
My father was intelligent (he was in the army & worked with nuclear stuff).. My husband is also very smart along with his grandpa who was a colonial in the marines... My kindergartener should also be tested because he is very advanced for his age and the teacher always tells me about the questions he asks...

He has only one friend and doesn't have any friends in his class.. he tells me its because they don't like the same things as he does... He is very mature for his age & is also very serious...

I'm hoping that it was a fluke thing and that he doesn't have any "hidden dissabilities"...I can see him getting bored with the test because he tends to do that sometimes....but he LOVES math and he never gets bored with that, so that could explain why he did so well there? I don't know...

also, it was his teacher's idea to get him tested..

Last edited by Connie1976; 05/23/12 04:17 AM.