It sounds very positive that the school is going to do further testing! The things they will be looking at (vision, hearing etc) are things that, if there is some kind of challenge, could impact various subtests depending on the challenge, giving a significantly lower score than you'd expect based on the higher scoring subtests.

You might ask if they are going to do another type of ability test, to help understand if the 112 on Verbal was representative or a fluke due to any number of reasons such as kid being bored, not happy with testing a fly on the wall being more interesting than the test etc.

I'd also request a copy of the complete report on the KBIT II - I'm not familiar with it, but most tests our kids receive have subtests that are averaged into the scores that appear on the reports given to us or used by the school - so I'm guessing that more than one subtest went into the Verbal 112, and it can be good info to know whether or not each subtest was around 112 or one was much higher and another much lower, so that they averaged out to 112 but nothing was really 112.

I'd also think through how your ds' school experience has been so far. Was it his teacher or you who requested he be tested for the gifted program? Does he like school? Is he stronger in some areas than others? What does he like in school, and are there subjects he doesn't like? If the discrepancy in scores above really exists (rather than being due to some odd outside factor on one particular test day), I'm guessing he may be frustrated in some areas.
