Originally Posted by skyward
Hello, I need advice on how to proceed. Our DD7 was early entranced at 4 and is currently in a program for HG kids. We were planning on having our DS5 start K next fall. DS was screened for early entrance last spring and it was determined that he did not have the maturity at that time to start early. Now he is 5 and ready for school. After he met his teacher and we talked with the gifted coordinator, they have said they think his needs will not be met at school and I should put him in a different setting.

I'm confused about this - was this meeting where you were told this with your neighborhood school (or whatever public school kids in your area are slated to attend)? Or was it at an optional/lottery/charter/private school? If it was the public school that all children in your area enroll in when they reach kindergarten age, the school is legally bound to educate your child and can't tell you that they can't meet his needs and *you* should put him in a different setting - although they can tell you that the school can't meet his needs and the school district will determine and suggest an optional placement that does meet his needs.

OTOH, when they said the school couldn't meet his needs, were they referring to their perceptions of his needs, or a list of needs compiled by you? If it was in reference to specific things that you asked for, it's not unusual for a school to push back and say no to parent requests - and if that's what happened, if you list what you asked for here some of us may be able to help with tips for how we've advocated for outside-of-the-box services at school.

No matter what the school's legal obligation, it's quite possible that the school doesn't know how to meet his needs - but they still have a responsibility to be a part of figuring out what to do. Did they give you any suggestions for what they thought might be a good option for your ds?

When they said the school couldn't meet his needs, were they referring to their perceptions of his needs, or a list of needs compiled by you?
I agree with Grinity though - you might not be able to know what the best option is until you just pick a course and go with it and see how it works out.
