My dd now 11 took WPPSI at 6. She just barely made the cut-off for the gifted program. I am sure that perfectionism and a tester inexperienced with gifted kids played a role. When we re-tested with WISC IV in Feb., her VCI went up almost 2 SDs and she is now a candidate for DYS. My dd5 took WPPSI at 4--(she was making me crazy and I was trying to figure her out). I think her FSIQ was 124 according to that test--and I am certain that is a huge underestimate. So, I think given what you have said here it is unlikely the score is a good picture of his true abilities. It could be perfectionism (if you search for gifted perfectionism you will get ideas on how to help him with it), immaturity, or some kind of LD.