I would get the test results and try to get her observation notes as well. My DS12 had a WPPSI at 4 or 5 that was invalid based on his behavior during the test. He wouldn't let the tester finish her question before answering, he explained in painstaking detail the answer to each question on the timed sections, etc. If you had calculated the results from that test he would have looked high average but not EG/PG. His achievement testing at the time showed a more accurate picture of him with 150+ on WIAT. He was just to intense to sit through it. He was tested again this year (should have done it sooner) at 12 with EG/ PG scores. I wouldn't judge a kid purely based on a test at age 5. If you feel it's really off retest on a couple of years.

Why were you testing? Is your DS bored at school? Does his current placement seem to work for him or not? Is there something wrong that you want to look at the test for or looking for a placement with the test?

I do think as parents we can get wrapped up all of the testing and information. I do know a lot of parents around me that have high average kids, but believe they have HG kids. Their kids are bright and work hard. They may spend all evening working on the homework to get the A, mine are usually done before the bus gets them home and are playing all night for the same result. My guess is their kids are probably bright or maybe MG.

I have 3 kids and not a one is on a normal development path, and I sometimes envy the parents that have the ND kids. It seems to much easier at times. I think as parents we can get wrapped up in test results and forget the kid is the same kid from the day before we tested. I also know I can't really judge "normal" well because I have no experience with it.

As a parent, I would look over the test and notes. I would then put it down and focus on what DS needs. The label of GT is not the end game for you, meeting the needs of your DS is the endgame. This is why I dislike the labels and testing at times. His results may or may not reflect his cognitive abilities accurately, but it doesn't change his day to day needs regardless of the accuracy.