Hi all
My 5yo was tested at the school this week with the WPPSI (I'm assuming). The psychologist rang me today and told me that he is in the average range, with verbal abilities somewhat higher. So he's not testing as gifted.
Now he's no prodigy, but he knew his colours at age 2, he was speaking quite complex sentences at age 3, and he learns things very quickly. I was grade-skipped at school, and I thought he'd inherited my giftedess.
OK, so it's possible he's not gifted, but average? Average seems so unlikely to me that I'm questioning the validity of the test.
If anyone can give me any feedback on this issue, please do. I know my perception of my son can be coloured by my own 'want' to see him identified as gifted. I'm aware of that. But even so, I find it hard to believe that my bright son is 'average'. Is there a chance that the test just didn't work for him?
Or am I just deluding myself?