I'll watch this topic to see if anyone has had any luck in this area. I don't want to be the voice of negativity, but my older dd, for whom processing speed was dramatically lower than any of her other indices (all were in the upper 90s [percentiles] except for PSI which was something like 42nd) really continues to be a slower worker. She was tested @ 7 and is now 13.5.

She has learned some techniques to be as efficient as possible, although she still procrastinates and doesn't use them all the time, but as to whether her processing speed has actually improved as she's gotten older, I'd say probably not. It just seems to be part of who she is -- very deep, but not unusually fast.

We have not tried brain training, though, b/c I can't afford to waste money and I wasn't sure if they were really going to work. I've not seen any studies that indicate that they do save for studies that were not published in peer reviewed journals and which were done by the companies that were selling the products.

My dd I also wouldn't really consider 2e. I've got one who is and there is a distinct difference.

I would say, though, that my kiddo has managed to do very well in GT and accelerated classes and with a grade skip despite the speed issue. Some of it is b/c she is very able and some of it is probably due to greater maturity that she lacked at a younger age.