Back from the ARD meeting!

As expected the school Psychologist reported that DS made good eye contact and had friends, so he didn't meet the criteria for ASD. He suggested DS could meet the threshold for entry into SpEd via the ED label, or go the 504 route. The principal & v.principal were there, along with the Psychologist, the diagnostician, the SpEd coordinator and another 2nd grade teacher (DS's couldn't be there today.) We talked for quite a while and went over everything they are doing right now, and things that could be helpful for him (mostly things they are already doing right now, but also with the SpEd he'd get help from the SpEd coordinator) and in the end we tabled discussions pending our NeuroPsych eval.

The psychologist had to jet right after that, as did the other 2nd grade teacher, but everyone else sat and chatted for a while. I was glad to hear from them that they were also surprised that the psychologist reported DS had good eye contact - all of them reported he hardly ever made eye contact with them! Glad it's not just us who sees that. They were perfectly happy waiting for the neuropsych eval to move forward with things and they seemed super supportive. I will definitely miss the vice principal, in particular, when we move to the new school; she's been so great with DS when he has his meltdowns/tantrums.
