What I found was that after a certain point, the levels didn't seem terrible accurate anyway. I could get a sense of whether the book was too hard or about right for DD by picking it up and reading a little. The level was irrelevant and often not in line with my sense of the book at all. (For instance, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is 5th or 6th grade level or something--I admit I've just skimmed a bit, but that seems too high for the books.) Basically, I feel like there are early chapter book (things like Rainbow Magic, Bailey School Kids), middle chapter books (huge range here, but things like Narnia), more advanced chapter books (early Harry Potter) and advanced chapter books (later Harry Potters, Anne of Green Gables; at this point we're brushing up against adult level books). Some books (often older ones) have very complex vocab but simpler, more childlike plots and themes, while others are written more simply but will not be understood well by a child with a "younger" POV...then there are some really great books that can be appreciated at multiple levels, too. Man, I love children's books. DD is rereading the Moomin series now, which I read to her at 4! She enjoyed it then, but is really reveling in its whimsy now in a very different way. I still love it myself!

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/17/12 01:31 PM.