But if I don't have to stop to figure out words at LEAST 5 times on a page, I'm annoyed. wink

(when I'm reading to learn [ed. to add]ambitiously[end add]... you guys are safe ;P )

[Hmm... I guess I'm always wanting to learn when I read, but I have some kind of category of learning that feels "flowy," which is way more than I expect most of the time. Hmmm... Never noticed this about myself before.]

[eek, here I was being a smart-ass, and now I gotta go think about something. sheesh.]

Last edited by Michaela; 05/15/12 08:19 PM. Reason: That came out more than just a little wrong...

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!