I just found out today from my dd's kindergarten teacher that they stop testing/evaluating reading after they reach a certain level. According to the teacher that is all the district requires from them to reach by the end of kindergarten. I personally would like to know so I can make good book selections in her reading level and be sure she continues to make progress. For this year it doesn't really matter any more... but next year if she's already maxed out their requirements then when will I have an accurate idea of what reading level she is at? If I request they keep testing her beyond their grade level requirements do they have to do it?

ETA: I may push that she goes to a higher grade for reading because she's already the highest reader in her class and the students in her reading group aren't near as advanced as she is... except for maybe one other student who I haven't heard read yet.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 05/15/12 02:01 PM.