Originally Posted by Val
As for those tests, they're the product of the education system. They don't get dropped down from on high. Educators create them. So they have no one but themselves to blame.

True, NCLB forces a lot of the problems in our public education system, but NCLB just made a bad system worse.

True, a select group of educators do make those tests...but that doesn't mean each educator has say in any of it...and doesn't represent what all educators think should be tested or the manner in which it should be done. Kind of like when you get survey results that say "90% of people......" and you say to yourself 'Funny, they never ask me about this because I would have gone the other way.' Lots of people never get a say...and typically the ones in there teaching the class each day are not out there making up the tests. Anyhow, I won't get into all the testing stuff. I mostly wanted to say that most teachers work very hard, and that it's not at all an easy job.