Originally Posted by shellymos
I do want to say that I am a school social workers and work with teachers all day...and I give them much credit. ... While you will get the occasional teacher that really shouldn't be teaching...a majority of them work extremely hard and it's really difficult for them to take all that time for each student and each problem with just one person. ... Unfortunately, state tests have really made things ridiculous. Teachers are having to teach very rigidly on some things because of those tests...anyhow. thanks for the comments!

I agree with a lot of what you wrote, but at the same time, teachers as a group have the lowest GRE and SAT scores, and elementary ed. teachers get the lowest scores among teachers. it's important not to overlook that. It's possible that she really doesn't know the math.

As for those tests, they're the product of the education system. They don't get dropped down from on high. Educators create them. So they have no one but themselves to blame.

True, NCLB forces a lot of the problems in our public education system, but NCLB just made a bad system worse.