Hi, Grinity,
Yes, we are concerned about all of it, and have been trying to work with the school this year but it has been very difficult. The wonderful former head of school left at the end of last year and this year there is an interim head who seems friendly but not particularly interested in helping 2e kids...and indeed I think the school is moving away from accepting 2e kids, which is probably why we were not invited back next year. It's been particularly difficult because this is DD's third year in this LE classroom (it's a private Montessori school) and the first two years the teachers were wonderful and helped her with her behavior and everyone was in love wink

So, no IEP aside from the recommendation from the school-affiliated psychologist, who was working with DD in the classroom for awhile at our expense and we were happy to pay if it helped...which it did not, because her role evolved (we thought) from trying to help DD to trying to reinforce the teachers' (IMO negative) views. So for bullying, we got the message that DD should not be a victim...no indication (to us) that they were also working with the bully to discourage her behavior. And unfortunately one of the things DD has learned is to distrust the teachers. And that other kids definitely can get her in trouble (the bully, by lying, and has done the same to at least several other girls in the class, and those parents have complained, and still we get the 'don't be a victim' speech). The whole thing really bugs me but it kind of developed gradually over the year and now again thank goodness it's almost over.