Originally Posted by Tallulah
And things like this, for IQ of 130:
Most of these children are a full two to five years beyond grade level by age six.
. I mean, really? To hear the teachers at our school tell it, it's very rare for a child to be more than one or possibly two years ahead in math at six, let alone for there to be a couple in each class who are doing fifth grade math.

This is pretty common in some elementary schools in some professional suburbs North of Dallas. Some have up to six kids per school > 99.9 on the MAP by 3rd grade and they are usually grouped together in the same class. A handful are scoring > 15 on the AMC8 in the 4th grade.

As for Ruf. She has seen a lot of bright kids in her career and would be in a position to know what she is talking about.

Some traits of level 4/5 Mr W does not have, but others he has in spades. His IQ test, part of which he refused to cooperate on, place him right where she said he would be. And the two achievement tests he has taken placed him 4-5 years beyond his age.

Like any guide, it has to be taken in with your situation in mind.

Last edited by Austin; 05/07/12 11:49 AM.