Haven't read the book. I'm familiar with the overview and that there's a website.

My 18 m old says stuff like "here a go.  It for you.". When Franklins bike was ran over by an icecream truck on tv she said, "Look.  Bike. Uh-oh.".  The biggest sentence was the other day my son, the hubby, and I rode our bikes down the bike path and stopped at a playground with my daughter in the bicycle trailer.  She said, "I ride my bike to a playground", as she climbed out of the trailer.   She has to watch that show Pocoyo (I have it dvr'd). Although she likes many shows that is "her show".   I've seen her call a written 3 a three and a 6 a six out with no context clues and a letter s.  I'm really bad at keeping track of this stuff and life goes on.  If she says a number she holds up fingers and wiggles them like she's counting, but not the right amount (copying brother).  I've heard her say several numbers in a row at different times and large chunks of the abc song and many nursery rhyme songs.
She told my my dress was pretty on Easter.  
She might be potty training herself, I'm not sure.  She asks to go and I set her on the pot she has passed gas every time and then got up every time she's asked.  I can't tell if she's trying to potty train or playing pretend on the potty.  A lot of times she dresses herself, but usually not completely.   The other day she had a shirt & shoes and was saying "outside".  I said, "you need some pants".  She got some of her brothers pants and was walking around the house in them and she had to hold them up the whole time.  (giggle) That's better than when my son came out of his sisters room wearing a dress one day.  I said, "don't you wear your sisters clothes you're too big you'll break them don't you ever do that again!". But not until after I snapped a few pictures.  He posed real pretty, the little ham!  

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar