I have not read the book, and it has been a while since I looked at the different levels. I appreciate that it attempts to shows how IQ and other factors like personality, drive, interest and exposure marry to parent milestones in varying degrees of precocity. I do think it would be very fun to read some of the anecdotes in the book.

I could look them up again and try to parse the specific levels, but think it is easier to just say our DD(3.5) is very advanced in language. She was an early talker (7months), spoke in complex sentences early (18months), was determined to figure out reading early (2.5), and now reads at a very late second grade level. And, while she has some interest in numbers (enumerating at 2.5 along with simple adding and subtracting, and now adding and subtracting in her head as well as skip counting 2s,5s,10s,1/2s) I think it is way too early to tell with all that. And, she hates puzzles, so...

And, I would not be surprised in the least if she did not test in the gifted range at all.

All I know is I have a language oriented child who spoke in paragraphs well before she turned two, loves reading, has a certain sensitivity about her, is extremely quick-witted, has a knack for memorizing and a few other splinter skills, and is one of the most imaginative children I have ever met.

Specific anecdotes:

-She spoke in grammatically correct sentences from the beginning.
-Something she said when she was about 24 months:
"What was dat? I landed on something. well, whatever it was, I will find it so I can make this area safer to jump."
-She memorized all 44 presidents in their order in a matter of a couple of days when she was 2.5 after visiting a museum exhibit.
-Before she was 2.5 she could decode almost any word spelled out to her aurally.
-She can play by herself for hours at a time and make up elaborate scenarios with a few close imaginary friends.
-She changes words and phrases in poetry she has memorized to fit different situations seemingly without any effort.
-She has always been good at sequencing things. Season, months, days, time, birthdays, ages, history, and she has a very precocious understanding of the course of life. She knows that with every birthday she is growing up, that she will go to school soon, that she can drive when she is 16, that she is an adult when she is 18, that she can go to college when she is 18, that when she has a baby I will be the grandma, etc.