Originally Posted by Prissy
As Dude said, just because you know the message is illogical, doesn't mean that a young girl does and they're the ones receiving it - not you.

I prefer to use logic rather than discrimination to counter illogical conclusions. I hope others will do the same.

Originally Posted by Prissy
So what exactly are you doing to actively spread the message that women are welcome in STEM fields? How many secondary school or college women or junior staff in you organziation are you mentoring in your field? If you aren't contributing to the solution then it's not entirely appropriate for you to be tearing down an organziation (government supported or not) that is trying. Constructive criticism is a different story.

Are you seriously trying to convince me to keep my opinions to myself? It's absolutely appropriate for anyone to offer their opinions on this topic. You really have some nerve. Additionally, I have not been tearing down any organizations. I have simply been stating that I find one particular element of one particular program to be inappropriate: the exclusion of boys (officially or by implication) from NASA GIRLS.

As far as my involvement, I have mentioned that I sometimes recruit for an engineering firm. I discuss career options with male and female college students on a somewhat regular basis. I certainly make sure that everyone feels welcome. My company also offers an internship program, for which I perform interviews and mentoring. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to discuss who has been accepted into that program, however. I have a great interest in FIRST as well (my company sponsored a local high school robotics team), though volunteering doesn't really fit into my schedule at the moment, with two preschool children to take care of at home.