Well, imo it could be a problem or it could be that her hands and eyes are 5 and her thoughts are much more advanced. I think it is hard to say at this age, but in my experience, a 1-2 page journal entry would be very unusual for any 5 year old. I had my 5 year old screened by an OT because I was worried about his refusal to write lower case letters and she told me that he was developmentally on track AND that most 5 year olds are not developmentally ready to write lower case letters anyways so not to worry about it at this point. She said that we really shouldn't be pushing lower case until at least age 6 but schools are pushing it earlier as kinder becomes more academic focused. ALso, I think that the flipping back and forth between between upper and lower and the letter reversals are also common for that age.

My suggestion, if you are worried about the school response, would be to have her screened or evaluated privately. Most insurances will cover the evaluation if your pediatrician refers you and many therapy places will offer free screenings to let you know if you need to go ahead with the full evaluation. For my DS8, insurance covered his eval and OT 100%. I suggest this because then YOU control the report and can decide whether to give it to the school if you worried that they might use it to keep her out of advanced curriculum.

However, I also think that the real issue may be whether or not her writing skills (even if they are normal for a 5 year old) would be sufficient for the advanced curriculum. If she is asked to write at length, then it might be a problem. But if you are talking about 1st grade with an advanced curriculum within then I would think she would be ok. DS was not required to write at length really until 2nd and it is amazing how much they develop in that time.

If it were me and I were worried about how the school would react to the results, I would probably get an outside OT eval and share the findings with the teacher. If she has the same teacher as your DS it sounds like she will be able to accommodate your dd's needs. Also, this may vary between states/school districts but in our area you can't get in-school support unless you are performing below grade level (which means many 2Es are out of luck). This is the reason I sought outside evals.