Retrospectively I did learn SOME things at school, but I certainly grew up firmly believing that school, primary school in particular, was nothing more than daycare so that my parents could work. Also possibly some form of strange torture ritual. [/quote]

I really dont want that for my kids. I enjoyed school till I got to middle school. It was fun and I loved learning. Once I moved and didnt have friends I hated it but between my friends and awesome teachers I had a blast. I also always had great grades till then. I want my kids to know that love of school I had when I was a kid. It is important to me. I also want them to learn in school though. I want school to challenge them on some level. I dont know. I hope I can find that for all of them, there are 4 total. I dont know if the babies are going to be as advanced as their older sisters but if so life is only beginning to get interesting.

I am having my oldest tested just to see where she is, I dont know if she or any of my children are truly gifted, but till I found this site I had never run across anyone who knew how to deal with their difference from other kids. If they are truly just advanced I am more than ok with that, but if she turns out truly gifted then I am going to have a lot more questions.