Originally Posted by trinaninaphoenix
I talked my dd6 that homeschool is the best option. She told me that school was to give mommy and daddy a break. She told me she is only suppose to learn at home and school was a place to be while we took a break. When i explained to her that's not how school is suppose to be that it is suppose to be a place where you learn new things and work hard she said well mommy i should away with k12 then. I ask what if we send your sister to school and she said that's ok, but i really want to help other kids learn can i go to school to do that. She was in public school for 100 days and this is how she sees school. A place for her to teach other kids and give her parents a break. That scares me.

Retrospectively I did learn SOME things at school, but I certainly grew up firmly believing that school, primary school in particular, was nothing more than daycare so that my parents could work. Also possibly some form of strange torture ritual.