Grinity, I think you are an angel. What an encourager.

I love the speed application idea. I did it that way and I also sent in a video of DD - it was sooo much easier to see her in action than to put it on paper.

My DD is 8 and I'm in the same boat with you all. My world was turned upside down about six months ago when we found out "how" gifted she is. The good news is that soooo many things now make sense. The more I read about it the more I think "Holy Cow, yep, that explains it."

The least worst option is the exact article that finally made us pull DD out of PS and return to homeschooling. We are blessed in that we have the ability to do that and it is by far the least worst option for her and our family. When you can't figure out the best option... the least worst isn't a bad way to go... you can always change the option later.

Best of luck and listen to wise Grinity! : )

~ Christine smile
Homeschooling DD in PA