this is so exciting. I can hardly wait to get the scores. its our first time. SO - does that mean that if you score really high you would get a separate notification of just how high the scores were? as in, it does not comme to you WITH the results?

This is our first time using the NUMATS toolbox (not sure if they had this last year; we didn't do it). The NUMATS toolbox had the scores compared to other 4th graders in NUMATS (for us, since ds is in 4th). The paper scores from ACT came today - they had his scores compared to the nationally-normed 8th graders. It's funny - when you open the toolbox, the actual scores/results are to the right. I was looking in the middle, where it has some fairly generic "long range academic plans." I knew that the scores were in the toolbox, because someone on the board mentioned it, but I was going through all this extraneous info trying to find the numbers!
As to your question about "if you score really high," I don't think that you get anything different except perhaps an invite to the awards ceremony later.