Originally Posted by Dude
When a district curriculum supervisor informed me that "the primary purpose of an education is social integration," my jaw hit the floor. I mean, she could have said "indoctrination" or "mind control" instead of "social integration," without changing her meaning at all.


Yeah, that. My mom has been complaining about this idea ever since I can remember. Sit still, do your worksheet, and be a good little girl or boy. No questioning allowed.

When I was in fifth grade, our teachers got a bright idea about giving everyone a color-badge based on behavior and what you could call social integration. You had to wear the badge all day. Kids with green badges got special privileges and were called to line up and go to recess first. Then orange, then red. The red kids lost privileges and were called out for their bad citizenship (or whatever the term was).

My parents were livid at the thought of a school labeling children and creating classes of students in this way.