Hello ! .. THANK YOU all so very much for your replies. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this !
Now looking back ... her brother has always been the centre stage since she was born.. due to his extreme behaviour, extrovert personality, obvious academic abilities etc. He has just needed MUCH more telling off etc. So I guess DD8 has known since she was born that he was high maintenance- I wonder if she has compensated by being the quiet and easy one ! We have such a special bond being my only daughter... and I can now see that she has been the one that is the "peace maker/keeper" ...
How/what would you tell DD8 and DS6 about the test? DS10 was 6 at the time so it was a matter of here we go... no questions.. he just did it .. but DD8 is much older and far more wise...
PS- that is how we spell behaviour here smile lol