I'm a middle, was very quiet (family used to say, 'are you still with us?', ha ha ha) so of course I'd say yes, don't overlook the middle one!! (boo hoo)

We were tested in school later on...my mother won't give exact #s on the IQ thing but still talks sometimes about how surprised she was to find out how high mine was, higher than my older sibling who was very quick to catch on to reading and raced ahead, early talker, the kind of kid who everyone notices as to how bright they are. Younger sibling also the verbally-reader gifted type. I believe I am in a close tie there, but again, no numbers!

I have a friend w/ 4 kids and all but one were "selected" for the gifted program at school. the odd one out, tested later, is actually the brightest, she is just very very quiet and didn't raise her hand, etc. therefore didn't make the cut on the personality/motivation part of the selection process, the others did.